Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Busy Busy

So, the past week has become an extremely busy time for me. I started a new blog about comic books a bit ago (not at all a daily thing, don't worry), and I've re-opened my Sonic Opus blog about music. Yesterday/today I recorded/edited my very first podcast for Sonic Opus with some great friends of mine with great opinions.

Also, a friend of mine has moved into my household, and as much as anyone can enjoy the experience, it takes away from your schedule. Today was my first day on my new job at Radio City Music Hall selling merchandise (demeaning, but it pays) and this definitely takes time.

But don't fret, when I get back to posting, oh shall I get back to posting! Three books just came in from Amazon today about the ancient chinese connection with the book of Genesis and how they actually used to be a monotheistic people. Look forward to much much more postings in the realm of the Chinese :)

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